September 5, 2015

Real Life

That geography notebook I made at 6am the morning of our trip?  It sat in the trunk the entire trip, untouched.  I was mean and made the kids work on it when we got home.

 If you come to our house unannounced, you will find Eli's room a complete disaster.  He is the one who plays really well with all of his toys and while I love his imagination, it drives me bonkers how crazy his room gets.  All of the kids have really been enjoying listening to music and have been taking turns with an old phone and headphones.  However, they have discovered my running music and Eli spent an entire morning listening to "Shut up and Dance" over and over.  This was the first time I've ever heard him sing along with music.  Awesome, right?  He couldn't have picked Jingle Bells or Ole' McDonald?

 Ben is in Honduras right now:

He led a COMREL (I have no idea what that stands for, but it's basically a missions trip) to an orphanage today to take them supplies.  He has one more mission in Haiti and then he's on his way home!

Elizabeth and Kent are here visiting for a long weekend.  Alison made a 'to-do' list for their visit:

First on the agenda was girls day!  


We got pedicures, went shopping and ate LOTS of ice cream.  We let Alison get some frozen yogurt to keep her going through the boring-to-her stores and then we all ate at Baskin Robins.

Granddaddy stayed home with the boys and got a good dose of "let me show you how to play Minecraft".

We went to the pool for the last time today.  It's so sad.  The water was cold and the pool was empty and knowing that it's our last time there ever and Ben won't get to see them swim this summer is just sad.

Nana made up a game for Alison.  It was genius.  She stayed warm on the side and threw the hula hoop in the water and Alison had to jump in it.

I was happy staying warm with the best snuggle bug ever.

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