September 21, 2015

This weekend

We went to some friends down the street for dinner and a movie on Saturday night.  The kids were counting down the minutes until it was time to ride down.  I told them to go outside while I got waters...and then realized I needed to switch the laundry and lock the doors and start the dishwasher...they sat like this, at the end of the driveway waiting for probably 5 minutes!

Playing with friends and watching 'Home' made for a perfect Saturday night.

These friends have been great lately.  They also started homeschooling and will come over most days when they're done to play outside or we'll meet them at the library or park.
We rode our bikes home in the dark and the boys kept shouting, "The moon is following us!!!"  

Sunday was "Kids' Appreciation Day".  I wanted to celebrate the almost end of deployment with the kids and let them know how awesome they've been over the last few months.  We started with lunch at the Bakery after church.

I love how Eli's face is planted in his muffin.  

After they were all sugared up, we headed to Target.  I gave them each $10 to buy whatever treat they wanted.  Alison was very strategic and got a Ken Barbie (she's been excited about getting a boy Barbie), a trick-or-treating bag and some gummy bears.  Eli followed her lead and got a small Lego set, a bag and skittles.  Colin had no concept of money and went over budget :)  He really wanted this large playset, but somehow we talked him into a truck that carries matchbox cars.  But he of course, had to have the bag and gummy bears too and I wasn't about to argue with a 3 year old about budgets.

You have to watch this one in Target (really wish this wasn't blurry!)
He will throw whatever he can into the cart.  It took me awhile to figure out he was following me around carrying this giant thing of cheese balls (he calls them cheese pops).

On the way home from Target was my favorite.  The kids were saying the most hilarious things...probably the aftermath of the muffin.

Alison: "Hey Momma, I was just thinking, if I'm not a swimming champion or spy when I grow up, I think I'll be a pop star because I'm a really good singer."
Eli: "I'm not a good singer, but I'm a great dancer."

We spent the afternoon playing with the new toys and watched a movie.  Alison said it was her most favorite day ever and I'm really hoping they remember this day more than the disappointing days they've had over the last few months.

Alison said today, "I'm making today 'Momma appreciation day' and I'm going to take you out to lunch and then to Disney on Ice!"  She's such a sweet girl.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

I laughed all the way through this post--and I'm with you. Don't make me go to Disney on Ice.