February 18, 2020

A glimpse of my day

I was standing in the kitchen when it hit me "This is the perfect picture of my every day life"...a little glimpse that is hard to explain and not very many see.

I scan a little too fast and I didn't want to narrate because the sounds are part of what I love.  Here it is in a nutshell:
Colin's math lesson was identifying measuring utensils and reading a recipe.  We were in the middle of making lemon bars, which was multi-tasking at it's finest; baking for math and making something to take to a Valentine's Day party and something soft that Alison could eat.  The crust was in the oven for 15 minutes which meant he ran off to play Legos.  Life with little boys means the second they are finished with something, they are either outside or building Legos.  This day, I could hear their chatter as they were building and laughed as they burst out in song together.  The counter still has Eli's math lesson open and Colin's coloring from when he finished spelling and decided to make Valentine cards for his friends.  The dishwasher is waiting to be unloaded because we forgot to run it the night before, which made all of our morning chores late (it did eventually get done).  Alison's baking supplies are out for her caramel corn making extravaganza that is about to happen and Colin's "uniform" for the bake sale is hanging on his door, all ready for when Alison needs him to hold the signs. Eli is in the middle of trying to fix his Lego boards with a knife and asking me to open a container of slime.  Alison is working on making signs for her bake sale and watching old videos on the blog, something she does quite often. I know these videos don't seem like much, but they will always remind me of our homeschool days. These sights and sounds are what sometimes overwhelm me, but always make smile and even more thankful.  Our days of full of messes and learning and playing and exploring interests.

Colin came back and helped finish the lemon bars while Eli made himself a naan pizza.
We finished the baking, math, art, spelling and even got through grammar.  We even learned about how Doritos are made while eating lunch because Eli just had to know.  The kitchen got cleaned up and then Alison and Lily made lots of caramel corn to sell on the corner of our street. They have had several successful bake sales and are constantly working to improve their business.

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