February 9, 2020

Our days are full

I used to hear all the time, "You've got your hands full!".  Now you could easily say, "You've got your days full!"

There was a shift in school this year.  I could write a million posts about why, but it really comes down to a few things.  
1.  Alison's taking 2 classes through CASA, which means getting her to and from class twice a week.
2. All three kids are in a stage of needing instruction for almost every subject.  The goal is independent work, but the curriculum I chose to use is more teacher lead at this point.  This is a hard one for me...I like the curriculum we are using; it fits our teaching/learning styles well, but there is minimal work for them to do independently.  However, I'm also not a fan of just busy work, so I'm somewhat okay with that.  On top of all that, the material they are learning is getting harder and not something we can just coast through.
3. The opportunities for activities around is abounding and I don't want to waste time here.  We have been blessed with an amazing piano teacher and the kids are thriving at lessons.  We've joined the Y and can go swimming any time we want.  We also got a homeschool pass to Dojo Boom and participate in 2 homeschool groups.  Right now, Colin is playing soccer and Alison is in crochet club.  And don't forget, some days are just too beautiful to be inside and we need to go for a hike or play at the park.  I have a list of things I want to add and I don't have a clue where we will add it.  This category would fall into the "First World Problems" category :)

While school can fill up an entire day, there are times that we have to pause.  Like when hard piano songs come and the morning is spent trying to learn it.

Or when a passion for drawing is sparked and the afternoon is spent working on art.

I struggle with the balance, but I am learning to not live in fear that they won't learn what they need to learn, but perhaps they are learning more than they would sitting at a desk all day long.  I am trying to be oh so thankful for this season that I get to spend days with my kids, teaching them and having fun.

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