February 1, 2020

School News

We got a new white board :)  Not that exciting, unless you are a homeschool mom.

Colds have been the theme of our year.  We've had a consistent battle with them, no matter what I do to prevent them.  Alison was the first to get the snot and then Eli this go around.  The great thing about homeschool is you can still do some school when you're fighting a cold, and you get to do it in the comfort of your jammies.

But let's be honest, this is how Eli would love to be all day, every day.

I reread 'Teaching From Rest' by Sarah McKenzie, over our Christmas break.  It's an absolutely phenomenal book; a book I read at least once a year because it's that good.  Her words are always something I need to remind myself, but this year I thought a little more about her idea of implementing a "symposium" into the day.  Symposium means: a convivial meeting...for drinking and intellectual conversation.  We lay out a blanket, turn on some music, munch on a snack and then I read from a variety of books; poems, our Bible study, science, history, fables and looks at some art.  They listen and then we talk about what I read.  This is also a time I like to work on them serving eachother, but taking turns making a snack for everyone.  This day, Alison made caramel corn and Colin served (he did not want his picture taken).


Science and history are the subjects that I worry are getting neglected, so this is a way for me to make them a priority and give them attention they need.  So far, they are loving the symposium time and I am soaking it up as much as possible as this will probably only last a short season.  Alison is quickly approaching 8th grade and most likely will have to study these subjects more in depth on her own.

I saved the biggest news of all for last.
I still believe that the best things happen over breaks....don't be deceived into thinking that life should always be a break, because they wouldn't happen without the diligent work of daily life.
3 years of diligent work led up to this day!

Not only is Colin reading, but he is willingly reading books! This is HUGE. Up until this day, I would have to drag him to reading time and painstakingly read through a few sentences. He refused to read with anyone close by and a real book? Forget it. Praise the Lord for 'Hop on Pop'. I will forever love this book. That book was the key to building his confidence that he could actually read. From that book, he picked up 'Green eggs and Ham' and since this video, he has just continued to thrive.

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