February 9, 2020

Beginning Anatomy

We finished our science study of sea creatures and moved on to human anatomy and physiology this past week. We're using Apologia again and I am still really enjoying these books. The kids were super excited to start this new study when they saw the bag I came home with from the dollar store. What I love most about this book is that it plans out easy activities that are doable, fun and engaging...and that all 3 of the kids can participate in. We learned about cells this week and made a jello mold of a cell. The jello was the cytoplasm and then different candies represented different organelles we learned about it.

In theory, we were supposed to flip the bowl upside down (so the jello was free standing and not sitting in the bowl), but that part was a fail, so we just left it in. The funniest part of it all, was how Eli dug in and ate it in the end.

You can also see in the background how much Maya loves our "symposium" time. That day, I was freezing, so we did our reading by the fireplace. Maya thought it was just the right spot to take a nap when we were done.

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