April 4, 2020

What's going on

Colin, early one morning...showing daddy something on the iPad:

This is one of his favorite things to wear for pajamas; a church sweater and pj pants.  We asked him this particular morning why he keeps wearing his church shirt for pajamas and he said, "Well, you didn't put it on the church side of my closet and it's super comfy."

 Lots of bike riding has been happening over here :)

 This is how Colin says hello to the neighbors now.


We've been doing lots of reading too.  Whenever I read to Alison, Maya has to be a part of it.  It might be because Alison's bed is the only furniture she's allowed on.

Lots of games have been played as well.  

Ben and I had to go to Target one morning, in efforts to try and get some things for Eli's birthday.  Even on Amazon, most things would not get here in time.  Unfortunately, we were a day late and they had taped off all sections of the store that are non-essential.  It was a very surreal experience, going in the store looking like this, but fitting right in.  It was also very strange seeing Target the way it was. 

I think Eli will still have a great birthday.  I was hoping to do something bigger for his 10th birthday, but we'll just have to put his big celebration in with Ben's when this whole thing is over.  Plus, let's be honest...he'll be happy with a cheesecake and playing Fortnite and I can do that.

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