April 14, 2020


We all got cleaned up and dressed for Easter.  It felt nice to be in normal church clothes for awhile.

Eli has clearly grown recently and his suit coat was too short when he put it on.  Good thing we were just doing home church.

Ben threw Easter candy at anyone who participated.  It's going to be hard to go back to church where you have to just sit and listen and candy isn't being thrown at you.  Maya wins the prize for 'Most Attentive Listener'.  She had her paw resting on Ben's lap and soaked up every word he said.

After church, Ben hid baskets.  He hid them extra hard this year so it took some time for the kids to find them.

My favorite part of the day...Colin said the Reese's Pieces were carrot flavored...they were orange and in a carrot shape, so naturally they were carrot flavored.

After lunch, Alison did an egg hunt for the boys.
Giving them instructions:

I take that back, my favorite part was my three kiddos playing together.  Sounds funny, I know.  But the time they spend all together has been dwindling.  They get along great, which I am so thankful for, but just because of their ages and different interests, they have been spending more time apart.  The silver lining in the quarantine, has been seeing them enjoy time together again.  This day, they did egg hunts for one another, played the xbox, went for a bike ride and played a wrestling game.  I don't know exactly what they were doing, but I heard tons of giggles and it made me so happy.
The boys' and I watched the Veggie Tales Easter movie and I worked on my crochet.  Colin asked if I would teach him how to crochet too.  It was the sweetest.

Nothing in the world beats fresh zwiebach!  Ben found Amish apricot jam at the local farm and it was heavenly.

We had a wonderful dinner, with way too much food, but it gave us several days of not needing to cook :)

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