March 2, 2012

24 Weeks

It's amazing how much can change in a short amount of time. A short week ago, I was teaching at the Y and running around with the kids at the park. Then all of the sudden I began to have braxton hicks contractions which turned into strong contractions by the next morning. Strong enough to wake me out of a deep sleep and keep me awake. I attempted to go about my day and drink lots of water to get them to subside. But then consistant lower back pain hit, and I called my doctor. I was told to rest and drink lots of water. When the pain didn't go away by the following day, my doctor asked me to come in so he could check me. Thankfully, I haven't started to dilated and everything with me and the baby is healthy. The baby hit a big growth spurt this week, is sitting literally in my hips and we're hoping this is just my body's way of trying to catch up. However, since I have a history of preterm labor we have to be careful that these "normal" pregnancy pains don't turn into actual labor. So resting it is for me. I'm done teaching at the Y, I've cleared my schedule and some great friends even brought us a couple of dinners this week. I'm still experiencing some strong contractions and lower back pain, but hopefully within the next week things can start to calm down. I can tell the baby grew a lot this week-instead of feeling just random kicks and flutters, I now can feel whole body parts. If Ben puts his warm hand on my belly, the baby will push a leg or head or his bottom up against him. I'm anxious to hold him in my arms and I know that in that second, I won't remember a single ache or pain. I won't remember the months of sickness and tiredness, all I'll remember is his tiny nose and precious feet. I look forward to that's what get's me through these long days.


katherine said...

I'm so sorry this pregnancy has been so hard. Maybe you will get a super easy baby.

I have always wondered about something. If you count a month as being 4 weeks then do you consider your pregnancy to be 10 months long? I always counted by the calendar month so I didn't think of myself as 6 months pregnant until I was 3 months from my due date which was more like 26 weeks. Just curious how it plays out when you count it by weeks instead?

Hope you feel better soon!

edj3 said...

I'm glad you are paying attention to your body's signals--it stinks you have to stop teaching because I know you enjoy it plus you are very good at it. But better to stop that for a bit now than risk your health or lil Stinker's health.

Vanessa said...

I just want to say thank you for the last few sentences of this post. I needed that extra reminder that in a month or so, I won't remember the discomfort or aches. :)

Lots of prayers for you and yours -- hope that little one stays put as long as possible :)