April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We enjoyed a beautiful Easter service this morning as a family.
I know I say this every year, but I love being married to the person in charge of the music, because I know we'll sing my favorite songs. It took everything in my not to start jumping around with Alison as we sung "Up from the grave he arose!"
Alright, the giant baby in my belly might have helped hold me in my seat too, but I still enjoyed singing with my little girl.

After church we had a light lunch and found Easter baskets.

I confess I have a deep love for Easter baskets. They are for me, what Christmas stockings are for Ben. It took Eliot all of 10 seconds to start eating the candy, while Alison carefully analyzed each item before digging in.

Our friends Tim, Abby, Alex and Avery joined us for the afternoon for our 3rd annual Easter together. The kids had fun playing, going on an Easter egg hunt and eating peeps.

While the men talked and the kids' played, Abby and I enjoyed an afternoon in the living room relaxing. Surprise Baby is on another growth spurt and Abby was feeding Avery-it was a perfect combination for some good time to chat and catch up. I wonder if we'll ever have an Easter where one of us is not pregnant or nursing.

I learned my lesson from last year and dinner consisted of easy, made ahead food. Totally worth it and still very yummy: ham, potatoes, green beans and zwiebach.
I was so thankful for a beautiful spring day and time with good friends. It was a great day to stop and be thankful for all the things Christ has done for me.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Happy Easter! That was a beautiful family photo!!