April 14, 2012

Surprise Baby's Shower

My sweet friends Jamie and Ashley hosted an amazing baby shower for me.
Amazing is an understatement. These 2 need to go into business! They thought of so many little details that would never even cross my mind.
It was a bow tie theme...Ashley made bow ties for everyone to wear and if you said 'baby' you had to give away your bow tie. Whoever had the most bow ties at the end, won. We even had bow tie cookies and pasta.
Jamie had everyone write encouraging notes to me that I can read when I'm up in the middle of the night. She also had everyone write down their addresses and had all my thank you notes ready to go. Maybe these are just shower standards, but it meant a lot to me.

All the women of Hope were invited and I was overwhelmed by their love and generosity. The first people in the door were two women I haven't even met yet! They recently started coming to Hope and I've been meaning to meet them for months, but every week I would stuck in the nursery or something would come up and I would miss them. Anyway, I was blown away that they would come to a shower, bring a gift and even take pictures for me...for a person they hadn't even met! Now that to me is showing Christlike love and it convicted me. I don't think I would have their confidence, but I pray that I would be that kind of friend.

Gifts appeared from women who weren't even there.
One of my friends even had some onesies embroidered for us.

I confess I struggled with feeling guilty. I know that Jamie and Ashley put a LOT of time, work and even money into this shower. I know they sacrificed a lot for me and I felt guilty for having to replace everything for a 3rd child. But the evening was a wonderful time of fellowship and baby processing for me. Alright, I did slightly panic when we played a diaper bag game, and I realized how much I've forgotten about baby supplies. There were a couple of things that I didn't even know what they were-AND I HAVE 2 KIDS! They make all kinds of crazy things for babies these days!

My only request for the shower was a baby name suggestion jar. I think everyone had fun coming up with names and even joking about some funny ideas.
A favorite was: Sherman Sheldon Shear
Others were: William Tyler, Decklan, Colin, Gray, Bryce, Alexander, Aaron, Micah, Joel, Jackson, Jacob, Ethan, Caleb, Noah, Austin, Simon, David

I'm so thankful for wonderful friends and for new babies!
Now let the countdown begin for our baby name deadline:
T-minus 25 days
(that's for you Ben Shear)


Jamie said...

I'm so thankful that your shower was so special! You deserved all of that love, sweet friend! And don't feel guilty...think of all the moms that were super blessed by getting your baby stuff for such a good deal, and God provided you with the things you need again. It is a testimony of faith in our God who provides far more than we could ever need. Besides, even if you still had everything, you know that we would all still want to bless you anyway :)

Vanessa said...

Lovely shower! By the way - I vote for the name Joel. There aren't enough good men with this very wonderful, biblical name :) But I'm a little biased being married to one :)

Ashley said...

It was so fun to bless you with a sweet shower! And an unexpected blessing- Jamie and I became friends along the way! :) God is working at HOPE, all the time!

lemming said...

My three suggestions:


This sounds like a truly blessed time, with plenty of laughter. Don't worry about what you think you've forgotten; it will all come back the moment you stop thinking about it.