April 26, 2012

Right Now

 As much as I've attempted to keep life "normal" for the next few weeks, the reality is things are changing, as they always will be.  So this is a little what life is like right now.

My belly is big.  Trust me.  Bending over this bathtub is impossible.  As I attempted my "normal" bathroom cleaning, Alison very sweetly asked if she could clean the tub for me.  She threw on her swimsuit, jumped in the tub and scrubbed that tub clean (don't worry, it's all natural cleaner).  She even cleaned up herself when she was done cleaning her bathtub.  I hope she laughs at this picture some day...note her suit is on backwards.

While Cinderella was cleaning, Eli was enjoying the quiet...with the ipod and a ring pop.

This morning, when we were done with school and Eli had successfully peed on the potty, it was time for me to stretch out this big belly.  The swimsuit reappeared and Alison was excited to join me for some prenatal yoga.  This picture makes me laugh so hard.  I even caught Alison doing some of the stretches while playing this afternoon.

Eli attempted the stretches too, naturally with a snack in his hand.

They've also spent a lot of time pretending to be camping (in the pack n' play with a blanket over it and flash lights inside) and riding bikes in the garage.  A busy life, with a growing belly and 2 kids can be challenging and exhausting, but worth every minute. 


edj3 said...

You know what I love? You just go with the flow. I admire the heck out of you for that.

Kent J said...

I said that first...she just types faster than I do.

Ashley said...

Eli cracks me up! Love him in these pictures!