August 17, 2008

1 Yr Pictures

A couple of weeks ago at church several women came up to me and said they had coupons for me for photo shoots. I was confused why so many people were offering picture coupons and then I was informed that I'm supposed to get professional pictures of Alison for her first birthday. Apparently everyone's doing it...I guess peer pressure never ends. I debated the issue for awhile. Most of the time I think professional pictures are a rip. They entice you into the store saying they have a great deal and then you're sucked into spending hundreds of dollars on sheets of pictures you don't know what to do with. I liked what we did at Christmas, having a family picture and then some of just Alison. We still spent far more than I wanted to (remember I'm also the cheap one of the family) but I can also recognize the need for an occasional good picture. I figure we take so many pictures of Alison ourselves and family can see them anytime they want, do we really need professional pictures every 6 months? So I concluded this afternoon that I would save the money for a Christmas family picture and take Alison's 1 year pictures myself. I quickly learned why we pay so much money for someone else to take pictures of our kids and I take back all my ill feelings toward overpriced professional picture takers.

I tried to set up a backdrop but Alison thought it was more fun pulling it on top of her than posing for a picture.

There's actually a cat under there.

Being pretty is such hard work

"Um Mom, I really don't like grass...or the neighbors dog that's barking."

I realized after taking all these pictures that there's no way I could have ever decided on just one pose if we had gotten them professionally taken. Even looking through the terrible ones I took with her goofy faces and mishap poses, I still loved all of them. I also realized that it probably would have been more efficient to just put all the pictures in a slide show, but I'm not that techno savvy and Ben's at work, so this will just have to do. I'm planning on printing some, so if anyone has a particular one they want please let me know.


Kent J said...

I think these pictures are 1000% better than you would have gotten from a pro. I was totally in the moment with both of you with those pictures, and it's a much better story than "we took Alison to Sears for her 1 yr pictures".

katherine said...

This post made me laugh out loud. I have strong opinions on professional photos as well. =)

I also have to say about your last post that I am so glad you have a water baby because mine cannot make up her mind. She loves the bath and the pool and wanted nothing to do with the lake this past week. Oh well.

edj3 said...

Pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but Ben hated, hated, hated water right from day one. His baths were . . . interesting. We did a lot of sponge baths and when he got a little older, I'd lay him on the kitchen counter with his head pointed into the sink so I could wash his hair. Otherwise he would tolerate only about an inch of water in the tub. No exaggeration there, if I put in more he would have a total melt down.