I babysat a little girl named Madison today who is a week younger than Alison. I thought today would be as easy as pie. They'd play and nap and eat and be merry. Oh, was I wrong. This picture was taken moments after Madison arrived and was the only brief period of our day when both kids were happy. I kept thinking about the moms out there who do this every day with twins. Or even Kate Gosslin (if you haven't watched Jon and Kate Plus 8, you should...Monday's 9:00 TLC)...8...I can't imagine. My attempts to make these 2 happy all failed. I even put them in the bath after lunch. Every kid loves a bath so I thought we'd play for a long time in the bath and then take a long nap. I put Madison in the tub and she peed, and while I was draining the pee water Alison peed all over the floor of the bathroom. After refilling the water and cleaning up the floor the girls played for all of 5 minutes in the tub and then Madison pooped. Some reason other kid's poop totally grosses me out. My adventures were endless today. In fact I felt like I spent most of my time thinking, "this will be great to put in the blog" but I'm too worn out to recount the endless cries and whines. I must rest up, because I do it all again tomorrow. Ben encouraged me this evening with the little reminder of what the result will be after tomorrow. We decided to put our little extra money to use and take a short trip up to Mackinac Island this weekend! Now that's a post for you!
Rick is here this evening and Alison wanted to be like her Poppy and wear glasses. It was the first time she's kept the glasses on her face.
Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard I cried over this one. Yeah other babies' poo = YUCK.
Big hugs to you, Jen.
Anna is always peeing on the bathroom floor before her bath. I'm glad my mother didn't have the internet to post all kinds of embarrassing facts like that about me when I was Anna's age...
And I agree--other kids' messes are always so much more gross! Have fun this weekend.
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