December 19, 2011

13 Weeks

On the positive side of this pregnancy, Alison has been saying some pretty cute things. One evening she said, "I'm SUPER-D-DUPER excited about the baby coming!". Then she said, "So mommy, when the baby comes, you'll be a nurse, right?" It made me laugh so hard. Oh the joys of explaining nursing a baby to a 4 year old. She's very perceptive when I'm not feeling well. She'll usually say something like, "I think a cracker will make the baby feel better" or "I think a nap will make the baby not so fussy". It always makes me smile that she thinks the baby's cranky and that's why I'm sick. However, if that's the truth, I'm not super-d-duper excited about meeting the baby.

Ben's theory of why I've been so sick is that the baby has brown eyes. Both our babies have my blue eyes and he would love nothing more than a baby with his eyes. I would love to give him his wish and I sure like his theory better than Alison's cranky baby theory.


edj3 said...

Well you know I also hope for a baby with brown eyes BUT! Not at the expense of you being so ultra miserable.

CaraBrown said...

You look AMAZING as always!