December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Elizabeth, Kent, Jordan and Sophie joined us for Thanksgiving this year. I should probably have Ben write this post, because my side of the story is not all that glamorous. I just keep reminding myself that this is just one year in many, and I most likely won't remember this one. Hopefully next year is much better. I didn't take a single picture Thanksgiving day...I couldn't even really tell you what happened outside of my bedroom doors. I think everyone had fun :) Ben, Elizabeth and Kent did all of the cooking and Kent graciously made me my favorite green bean casserole and that is pretty much all I ate for dinner.

The day after Thanksgiving, we decorated for Christmas and Sophie made us a 'breakfast for dinner' feast. I counted that meal as my Thanksgiving meal, since I was finally able to eat.

Helping Aunt Sophie make french toast

This is my view of the decorating from the couch. I thought it depicted the evening on the couch, the boys putting up the tree, Alison loving on everyone, Sophie taking pictures.

I'm already planning next year and praying that maybe for once, I'll actually be able to cook!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Confession - I have also eaten only green bean casserole for dinner before but I had no excuse. :)