April 22, 2012

A Strawberry Blast

We were shocked to see our favorite farm was open for strawberry picking...doesn't it seem way too early?! But they were beautiful and we were a little over excited about them. Over excited, as in we bought 2 gallons of strawberries. Plus lots of strawberry ice cream to top off the morning.

Alison was really helpful this year...last year I took the kids by myself and Alison didn't want to get her hands dirty. This year, she jumped in and searched for the most perfect strawberry.

Eli was a little more helpful this year too. He was pretty good at instructing daddy which strawberries to pick-and the ones that didn't make the cut, well, he took care of those too.

Here's a look at our morning:

It was a beautiful morning and some great family time. And we've enjoys LOTS of strawberries with whipped cream, nutella, crepes and cereal.

When we got home from the patch, the neighbor kids invited Alison to help them with their lemonade stand. She made 2 whole dollars!

And when the ice cream truck came in the neighborhood later that afternoon, Alison asked if she could spend her hard earned money on a popsicle. Considering we had ice cream for lunch, it only made sense. So we stood by the curb, waving for the ice cream man (who was playing Christmas music...and I thought Michigan ice cream men were strange).

After Alison picked her Barbie creamsicle and the ice cream man drove away, I realized how much Eli is growing up...

He stood in that spot for a good 10 minutes waiting for the ice cream man to come back.
Poor boy was patiently waiting for his turn to pick a treat.
It breaks my heart. But really, would you spent $2 on a popsicle for a kid who would take one lick and be done?


edj3 said...

Oh that picture of Eliot just tugs at my heart. What a cutie. And Alison looks so grown up on her roller skates.

Jen Shear said...

I know! It breaks my heart! Ben said last night that he's buying just Eliot a treat next time the ice cream man comes...I've already put aside $2 to have ready!