April 2, 2012

28 Weeks, Hello Third Trimester

We like to keep it real, here at the Shear house.
This is how it really it is to be pregnant with a third child:
And this is how you would see me most of the day.
With one kid sitting on the bump and the other leaning against the front, this Surprise Baby won't know what to do with himself without being squashed when he's born.

This picture also proves how much Surprise Baby went on a growth spurt.
It surely explains all of the aches and pains I've been feeling.
I definitely missed the second trimester "I feel amazing and have lots of energy", but it's kind of exciting that the end is closer in sight.
I'm back to measuring a week behind schedule, which actually is reassuring to me. The thought of delivering a large baby is not a pleasant one.

1 comment:

katherine said...

You look adorable! Maybe your third trimester will be your easiest one. It seems you've paid your dues with the first two.