May 25, 2012

36 Weeks

Surprise, surprise...Surprise Baby #3 sent me to the hospital yesterday, just a day shy of 36 weeks-just like all my other babies.  I'll spare the details, but I questioned whether my water had broken and I had been feeling "not so great" all day.  My doctor told me to go get checked out (it's always better safe than sorry), so I called my friend Jamie and off we went.  Thankfully my friend Abby had been with me all day and stayed with the kids until we returned home.  I started having contractions on the way to the hospital and by the time we got there they were 5 minutes apart.  Apparently a woman had delivered a baby right outside the emergency room doors the night before, so all of the nurses were on high alert and whisked me up to the maternity triage.  Good news: my water had not broken and I'm not dilated!  However, I was still contracting so the doctor asked me to stay for a little bit to make sure things wouldn't change.  After lots of water, some good pregnant lady stories from the nurses and a long conversation about margaritas, we were on our way home.  I was so thankful to be home and thankful to still have a baby in my belly.  I don't know if I'll ever fully be ready to have this baby-physically I'm ready to not be pregnant, but emotionally I know it's only the beginning.  I'm excited to see what he looks like and to see Alison and Eliot meet him, but is anyone really ready for labor?  Just wait, in 4 weeks I'm sure I'll be laughing that I said this.


edj3 said...

I'm so so glad lil Stinker didn't come yesterday.

Vanessa said...

Praying baby waits for his daddy to get home!!! And no, I don't think anyone is ever ready for labor - no matter how much you prepare. It is a highly emotional and very physically challenging event :) Thinking about you guys!!!