May 21, 2012

Hey Good Lookin'!

Ben sent this to me Saturday-the day he got his first uniform.  It was a proud day, one I know he's looked forward to for a long time.  We got to talk for 10 minutes, both Saturday and Sunday.  Everyone else is only allowed Sunday privileges, but since I'm 8 months pregnant, they gave him some "bonus" time.  He said they've worked them nonstop, rising at 4 am and not getting back to his room until 10pm.  I don't understand a lot about the military yet, but he said that he's doing so well that he's already in charge of other people and second in command.  Only Ben Shear.  Seriously.  Who goes to training and gets to be in charge of other people training?  Only Ben Shear.  It was good to see his face and know he's doing okay.  The kids were awkward on the phone, but I know they still enjoyed hearing his voice.

1 comment:

alicia said...

Nico was always so awkward on the phone with James while he was away!! I felt bad because I wanted them to have a good conversation but he understood:)