May 27, 2012

Katherine's 4th Birthday

Beth, Nathan, Katherine, Maggie and Jonathan are here now to keep me company for awhile.  I was so excited to be able to host Katherine's 4th birthday party-it was just the distraction I needed.
The girls have no idea what a luau is, but they still had fun pretending to be in Hawaii.

 We started the day off with donuts and lots of playing.  Beth and Nathan took Alison and Katherine out for the afternoon to look for a new bike for Katherine.  They didn't find what they were looking for, but the girls got to pick out a pinata and helped fill it with candy.

 Katherine's request for the day was brownies and homemade ice cream (mint chocolate chip and strawberry).  

 We had a few presents

and then it was party time.  We went out on the deck and had luau dress up stuff and ice cream bubbles.  Eli and Maggie were the most excited about the bubbles-Eli wanted to dump them in the pool and Maggie spent the afternoon trying to hold as many as she could.

The girls dressed up and thought they looked absolutely fabulous.

After some hotdogs and hamburgers (unfortunately the ice cream had to helps to have sugar) it was pinata time!

1 comment:

katherine said...

They do look absolutely fantastic!