June 11, 2015

Cool pool

Colin's been carrying around the doggy Ben gave him everywhere.  Sometimes I wish he would stay this little 2 year old forever.

Tuesday we met some friends at their neighborhood pool.  They have a giant slide and the kids all thought it was a blast.  I had to go down with the boys, but Alison showed no fear.

They had a little baby pool that Colin was convinced he was swimming in.  I think the boost of confidence is good for him.  (please excuse the mom who is flipping out in the video.  her son was holding a frog and she was horrified.  can you tell what kind of neighborhood we were in?)

Yesterday, Alison had an evaluation at the orthodontist per her dentist's request.  For some reason it's the thing now to start braces at 8!  Thankfully this guy seemed level headed and said that she may need some teeth pulled in a year to make room, but won't need braces until she's 10.  That was good news...the bad news=2 boys+1 shark chair.

We got in the car and Eli asked if we could please go to the museum.  He rarely asks to go out, so I obliged.

We saw a space movie in the planetarium and picked up subs for lunch.  Colin took a little nap in the car (can you see him still in the van?) and Alison decided to yank out her loose tooth when we got home.

After Colin woke up, we headed to the pool.  And this is how I master the pool with 3 kids by myself:

I sit in the middle and watch Alison in the deep end, Eli in the shallow and Colin in the fountains...and I hear about a million times "Momma watch me!".

For Ben:  the other 2 flowers bloomed yesterday.  here are their colors:

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