June 22, 2015

Weekend at the beach

Love Colin's eyelashes in this picture.
There's a little beach area next to the Newport News Y that the kids have always wanted to go to.  We attempted to go once before and the beach was closed.  Saturday, after a quick run at the Y, we headed over.  The kids insisted that they were just going to put their feet in and didn't want to wear swimsuits. It took all of 2 minutes after getting there for them to be all the way in the water.  I grabbed Alison and Colin's suit, but Eli just jumped in with his clothes on.

We ended up seeing some friends there and the kids loved swimming in the water.  There weren't really any waves (this is technically just at the river) and it was shallow for a long way out.  I sat by the water in my running clothes and the boys took turns dumping water on my feet.

I liked how close it was, but the water was dirty and hearing the bridge traffic was not very soothing.
We came home to find we had one ripe cherry tomato.  As tradition, Alison ate it.

Sunday, we headed out for a better beach experience.  We stopped by the store for hats, sunglasses and snorkels for the kids.  Of course they didn't keep any of them on, but at least I tried to protect their little faces, right?   I wanted a clean beach and little waves and to be more prepared.  Oddly enough, I ended up at a different beach than I meant to go to (I was trying to go to Fort Monroe, but ended up at Buckroe Beach) but we made it work. 

Colin is still hesitant about the ocean, which is okay in my books.  He would want me to carry him out and help him put just his feet in.  By the end of the afternoon, he was good to stand in the water and hold onto my leg.

Alison on the other hand was ready to rock n' roll.  She brought the boogie board and would go out as far as I'd let her.  This was a moment that was hard to juggle 3 by myself; one wanted to play on the beach, one would play right by the edge of the water and one wanted to be out in the middle of the ocean.  I think I need to find a beach buddy. 



edj3 said...

Everyone's getting so blonde! I mean, Eli's always been super blonde but wow, look at Alison and Colin too! Little towheads :)

Jen Shear said...

I know! It's crazy. And since Colin's skin tone is naturally darker, he looks super tan with blonde hair.