June 9, 2015

Starting to bloom

For Ben: here's what the flowers are looking like:

We have a few little green tomatoes and the blueberries are getting slightly pink :)

Sunday, we went to the store to gather supplies for a care package to send to Ben.  The kids had fun picking out random stuff...I bet your curious what's in that box, now aren't you?

When we got home, the kids played in the sprinkler and I threw a pizza in the oven.  This was the first time ever that Colin actually got in the sprinkler and had fun, without any coercing.  He kept saying "This.is.AWESOME!"
One of my favorite sounds in the world is the boys giggles.

having a picnic dinner

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the Burn's.  They have a large backyard with a pool, jungle gym and trampoline.  I told Kristen she was going to have to kick us out, because it was just too fun to leave.

The kids loved the blueberry shortcake so much, they begged me to make another batch.  Who can say no to this:

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Those giggles are the best!