June 30, 2015

Snapshot Sunday

If I had a fancy shmancy blog, I'd consider doing a series "Snapshot Sundays"...aka the only day of the week I actually think about outfits and combed hair.

I liked Alison's outfit much better this week and hoped to recreate last weeks pictures.

I can't decide which one I like better.

The sun was in her eyes, but I kinda love this shot.

The boys came out to join her...naturally wearing red glasses.  They say it takes a million pictures to get one perfect one.  I think when you have a goofball like Colin, it takes twice as many.

Then he started dancing.

And watching the clouds.


edj3 said...

These were the perfect pictures to see from halfway around the world. And I kind of like that picture of Alison better too, the one with the sun in her eyes. Her smile is so natural.

Jen Shear said...

I think you're right. She tries so hard to pose and sticks her bottom jaw out for some reason.